Over the last 25 years, considerable changes have been observed in the littoral vegetation of 11 lakes within the Sejny Lake District. In eight lakes (Dowcien, Jurkowo, Kunis, Mialkie, Pilwie, Plaskie, Wilkokuk, Zelwa) where Chara species dominated, their communities declined or disappeared completely. In four of these lakes (Dowcieh, Jurkowo, Kunis and Mialkie), charophytes were replaced by communities of the class Potametea (mainly Nupharo-Nymphaeetunt albae and Ceratophylletum demersi). In three other lakes (Pilwie, Plaskie and Wilkokuk), the area covered by charophyte communities decreased. In Lake Zelwa, Charetuni rudis and Charetum jubatae disappeared while Charetum tomentosae and Charetum fragilis expanded. A total area of charophyte communities remained approximately the same. A considerable increase in the water total hardness and PO43- concentration was noted in each of the eight lakes. In most of them increased levels of dissolved organic matter (measured as COD-KMnO4) and pH were detected as well. However, the increase in the PO43- concentration was smaller in Lakes Wilkokuk and Zelwa in which only slight changes in the vegetation were observed. In the above two lakes, the concentration of dissolved organic matter decreased and low water colour values are now noted. In three lakes (Dlugie, Dmitrowo and Gajlik), the charophyte communities tended to expand under the condition of moderate or high (Lake Dlugie) PO43- concentration, while dissolved organic matter concentrations were low. These lakes are also characterized by low values of colour. Charophyte communities may persist in lakes for a long period of time even when there is a moderate increase in PO43- concentration until the colour of water distinctly increases (> 20 mg Pt L-1). (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.