The monograph under review deals with the analysis of marginality as a defining creative principle of the Russian literary avant-garde. This principle is based on the change of axiological and artistic priorities and establishment of pluralism as a universal characteristic of the world perception of the first third of the twentieth century. The author distinguishes between avant-garde and avant-gardism on the principle of separation of pathos of destruction and pathos of creation. Thence a fresh look at the composition and scope of the Russian avant-garde is proposed. The phenomenon appears in its entirety of not only central, but also peripheral figures, their theoretical search and practical experiments in the field of poetics. The study for the first time has introduced into scientific discourse a number of unexplored authors - representatives of innovative art. Marginality, realized in artistic texts, is considered on a wide material of the authors of both the first and second row, as well as at different levels: genre, anthropological, general cultural. The paper convincingly shows how the worldview principles materialize themselves in the poetics of the unpreparedness, which manifests itself in the physiology of the artistic picture of the world, in the myth of the first creation, the emphasis on the future time, in the change of the paradigm of cultural universals. Consideration of the opposition of avant-garde and neoclassical allows to bring the problem of marginality in the anthropological context. This view makes it possible, in particular, to oppose acmeism and imagism and to prove the latter's bias towards the art of avant-garde. The marginality of the avant-garde is consistently considered on the examples of the relationship between the poet and the crowd, as well as in the context of the motives and images of buffoonery, madness, suicide dominating in the poetry of the avant-garde. Scrupulous analysis of genre-and book-making within the Russian avant-garde constitutes a separate part of the study.