The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of treatment for Enamel-Dentin Fracture (EDF) on the daily activities of adolescents. This was a case-control study (1:4). The case group was composed of 40 adolescents from 11 to 17 years of age, presenting definitive restoration treatment for EDF for over 6 months. The control group was made up of 160 adolescents with no history of dental trauma and belonging to the circle of friends of the participants of the case group, matched by gender, age, and socioeconomic level. The outcome variable 'impact' was assessed through the Oral Impact on Daily Performances (OIDP). The independent variables were collected for being of interest to the study (dental trauma) or for acting as potential confounding factors (malocclusion, decay, and mother's education). Descriptive, univariate, simple and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed. Among the cases, the impact prevalence was 40.0%, whereas among the controls it was 16.9%. The more affected daily activities were showing the teeth (18.0%), eating (6.5%), speaking (2.0%), and cleaning the mouth (0.5%). The odds ratio of adolescents treated for EDF of presenting an impact on daily activities was 3.3 times (confidence interval 95%: 1.4-7.7) greater than among adolescents without dental trauma, controlling for mother's education, decay and the presence of malocclusion. Adolescents whose teeth have been esthetically treated for EDFs run a greater risk of presenting OIDP when compared to adolescents that have never suffered dental injuries.