Background Both at the national and international levels, direct access for patients to physical therapy services is currently under debate. Direct access for patients seeking physical therapy care might reduce waiting time and costs, and thus be of benefit for patients and health insurance companies. To critically evaluate this situation, reliable and valid data are needed, but currently lacking. The aim of this study is to evaluate the health care situation for physical therapy services included in the catalogue of remedies from 2004 up to 2014 in Germany. Methods To obtain information regarding physical therapy services included in the catalogue of remedies, the freely available "Heilmittel-Informations-System (GKV-HIS)" was used. Data from the regional Associations of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians as well as data from federal reports were extracted for the years from 2004 up to 2014. Results Prescription of physical therapy increased continuously from 2004 and 2014. In 2004, 155 677 860 and in 2014, 254 695 514 physical therapies were prescribed (increase of 61 %). The highest number of physical therapies was prescribed in Saxony for all years, whereas in North Rhine-Westphalia and Hessen the lowest number per 1 000 GKV insured persons. Gross sales from physical therapy services differed between federal states and were the highest in Saxony (2004: 59.8; 2009: 54.6, 2014: 76.7) and Baden-Wuerttemberg (2004: 60.0; 2009: 57.6; 2014: 68.0). Discussion The results of this study show utilization of physical therapy services as defined in the catalogue of remedies in Germany to be heterogeneous. However, causal relationship cannot be identified on the basis of the analyzed data highlighting the need for further research. Criteria for structural-, process- and outcome-quality are needed to be able to evaluate the quality of physical therapy services. To ensure the quality of physical therapy services, interprofessional and patient relevant research is needed.