Since a new generation of geostationary satellite data has incredibly high temporal, spatial, and spectral resolutions, new methodologies are now needed to take advantage of both the temporal and spectral signatures of them for accurate estimation of Earth's environmental variables. This article describes a novel optimization method to estimate a suite of 11 physically consistent land surface and atmospheric variables under all-sky conditions from the geostationary advanced Himawari imager (AHI) top-of-atmosphere (TOA) observations. This method is based on a coupled soil, snow, vegetation, and atmospheric radiative transfer (RT) model from 0.28 to 14 mu m. The inversion algorithm consists of three major steps. First, the "clearest" observations at each moment during a temporal window were determined and then the essential variables that characterize surface RT models, such as leaf area index (LAI), leaf chlorophyll concentration, and soil parameters were estimated. Second, the atmospheric variables, including aerosol optical depth (AOD) under clear-sky conditions, and cloud optical thickness (COT) and cloud effective particle radius (CER) under cloudy-sky conditions, were inverted given surface reflectance calculated by the surface RT models. Finally, the inverted atmospheric and land surface variables were fed into the coupled RT model to calculate the remaining set of variables, including spectral directional reflectance, surface broadband albedo, thermal emissivity, incident shortwave radiation (ISR), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), fraction of absorbed PAR by green vegetation (FAPAR), and TOA shortwave albedo. The retrieved variables were validated using in-situ measurements from Ozflux network sites and compared with the other existing satellite products. Intercomparisons demonstrate that the AHI-retrieved atmospheric variables (AOD, CER, and COT) and surface variables (surface reflectance, LAI, FAPAR, PAR, and surface emissivity) are well correlated with the corresponding JAXA released AHI, NASA Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES), and the Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) products. Direct validation using in-situ measurements indicates that the retrieved ISR achieves higher accuracy than the CERES ISR product (with R-2 values of 0.95 and 0.89, and root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 203 and 29.6 W/m(2) for the AHI-retrieved and CERES daily ISR, respectively). Validation also shows that the estimated daily surface albedo has an accuracy comparable to the MODIS daily albedo product (RMSE = 0.03). Both the direct validation and product comparisons have demonstrated that this proposed inversion framework works very well for the AHI data. Unlike other algorithms that are usually used for estimating an individual parameter and rely heavily on a separate atmospheric correction, this inversion framework can effectively estimate a group of atmospheric and land surface variables and be easily applied to other similar multispectral geostationary satellite data. A comprehensive sensitivity and validation study is still needed to quantify the uncertainties of the retrieval variables.