Although a left hemisphere advantage is usually evident during language processing, the right hemisphere is highly involved during the processing of weakly constrained inferences. However, currently little is known about how the emotional valence of environmental stimuli influences the hemispheric processing of these inferences. In the current study, participants read texts promoting either strongly or weakly constrained predictive inferences and performed a lexical decision task to inference-related targets presented to the left visual field-right hemisphere or the right visual field-left hemisphere. While reading these texts, participants either listened to dissonant music (i.e., the music condition) or did not listen to music (i.e., the no music condition). In the no music condition, the left hemisphere showed an advantage for strongly constrained inferences compared to weakly constrained inferences, whereas the right hemisphere showed high facilitation for both strongly and weakly constrained inferences. In the music condition, both hemispheres showed greater facilitation for strongly constrained inferences than for weakly constrained inferences. These results suggest that negatively valenced stimuli (such as dissonant music) selectively influences the right hemisphere's processing of weakly constrained inferences during reading.