From a solution of a Schrodinger-type wave equation with a nonradiative boundary condition based on Maxwell's equations, Mills predicts that atomic hydrogen may undergo a catalytic reaction with certain atomized elements and ions which singly or multiply ionize at integer multiples of the potential energy of atomic hydrogen, 27.2 eV. The reaction involves a nonradiative energy transfer to form a hydrogen atom that is lower in energy than unreacted atomic hydrogen with the release of energy. One such atomic catalytic system involves Rb+ from RbNO3. Since the second ionization energy of rubidium is 27.28 eV, the reaction Rb+ to Rb2+ has a net enthalpy of reaction of 27.28 eV. Intense extreme ultraviolet emission was observed from incandescently heated atomic hydrogen and the atomized Rb+ catalyst that generated an anomalous plasma at low temperatures (e.g. approximate to 10(3) K) and an extraordinary low field strength of about 1-2 V/cm. No emission was observed with RbNO3 or hydrogen alone or when noncatalysts, Mg(NO3)(2) or Al(NO3)(3), replaced RbNO3 with hydrogen. Emission was observed from Rb2+ that confirmed the resonant nonradiative energy transfer of 27.2 eV from atomic hydrogen to atomic Rb+. The catalysis product, a lower-energy hydrogen atom, was predicted to be a highly reactive intermediate which further reacts to form a novel hydride ion. The predicted hydride ion of hydrogen catalysis by Rb+ is the hydride ion H- (1/2). This ion was observed spectroscopically at 407 nm corresponding to its predicted binding energy of 3.05 eV. (C) 2002 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.