The full-length c;DNA of a previously identified Solanum brevidens gene was isolated and characterised. DNA sequence analysis revealed an open reading frame that encodes a hybrid proline-rich cell wall protein of 407 amino acids. The putative protein was designated SbrPRP. The SbrPRP harbours three parts, an N-terminal signal peptide followed by a repetitive proline-rich domain and a cysteine-rich C-terminus resembling non-specific lipid-transfer proteins. The repetitive proline-rich domain contains two repeated motifs, PPHVKPPSTPK and PTPPIVSPP extended with TPKYP and TPKPPS motifs, respectively, at their N- or C-terminal. The SbrPRP gene of the non-tuberising Solanum species, Solanum brevidens, possesses highly homologous counterparts in the tuberising species, Solanum tuberosum (StPRP) and in the related species, Lycopersicum esculentum (TFM7). All three genes are present in single- or low copy number in the corresponding genome. Organ-specific expression of the genes, however, is different in the three solanaceous species.