In this work, a painting suspected of counterfeiting was analyzed using the synchrotron-based scanning macro X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) technique. The canvas has erasures including a signature erasure; however, some visible numbers indicate that the artwork may be from the 17th century. Through the studies' elemental maps, Cl-K and Ca-K were observed, which allowed us to reconstruct the signature present in the painting. Elemental maps of Ba-K, Ti-K, Fe-K, Zn-K, and Pb-K were also obtained from the painting, which made possible to visualize how the pigments based on these elements were used in the creative composition of the painting. In addition to the signature region, a region of the painting with dimensions of approximately 120 mm x 120 mm was investigated by synchrotron radiation induced MA-XRF, while keeping a high spatial resolution and elemental sensitivity. The measurements were carried out at the D09B micro-XRF beamline of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), part of the Brazilian Center of Research in Energy and Materials, in Campinas Brazil. The painting was also investigated by SEM-EDS, and FTIR techniques. Those results, in addition to the supporting elemental maps, allowed additional information to be obtained, such as the binders used on the painting. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.