The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of flipped learning in Korean EFL context. The study focuses on whether flipped learning leads to more increased learning outcomes in comparison to conventional or blended learning, especially regarding English speaking skills. A total of 70 first-year students in a Korean university participated in the study. They were divided into conventional, blended learning, and flipped learning groups. For the experiment, online contents were used for the flipped learning group, online contents and messengers were utilized for the blended learning group, and the conventional group was given paper-based activities. The pre- and post-tests were administered and evaluated using a rubric following the IELTS speaking assessment criteria. For the study, both quantitative and qualitative methods were collected and analyzed. Findings showed the statistically significant increases between the pre-test and post-test scores regarding fluency and coherence and lexical resources for all three groups. In terms of grammatical range and accuracy and pronunciation, however, only the two experimental groups showed significant improvements. Group comparison results showed no significant differences regarding all four items. Based on the findings, this study hopes to offer insights on the decision to implement flipped learning in EFL classes in Korea.