Land consolidation (LC) is the primary and most effective land management instrument to address land fragmentation problems, which has been applied in many countries around the world. Land consolidation is not just the reallocation of fragmented parcels, it is in an important instrument of rural development in many countries. Land consolidation projects consist of various steps. Land reallocation is crucial and challenging stages with many factors playing a role in it. Thus, the usage of computer technology has been essential for fast and efficient progress in projects. In this case study, three different land reallocation models, Fuzzy Logic (FL) based, Genetic Algorithm (GA) based, and designed Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm (FGA) based land reallocation models, are compared for Land consolidation projects in the reallocation of newly created regular-size parcels to landowners. As a result, the Genetic Algorithm based and Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm based models are more successful than the Fuzzy Logic based model in terms of the average parcel size, the number of parcels, and the average number of parcels per landowner. The benefits derived from both models are much higher compared to conventional models. The proposed models save time and improve the results for future land consolidation projects.