Nakataea setulosa sp. nov. and Uberispora formosa sp. nov. are described and illustrated from specimens collected on dead branches of broad-leaved trees in southern China. Nakataea setulosa is unique in producing solitary, acropleurogenous, smooth, fusiform, 3-euseptate, versicoloured conidia with a single, unicellular setula at the tip and at the base, seceding rhexolytically from polyblastic, integrated, terminal and intercalary, sympodial, denticulate conidiogenous cells. Nakataea is compared with similar genera, and a key to its species is presented. Uberispora formosa differs from previously described Uberispora species by its conidial morphology and unbranched conidiophores. The morphology of conidial peripheral cells is noted, whether the pigmented central cell is attached directly to the conidiogenous cell or not, and the presence or absence of a conidial apical cell separate species of Uberispora. A key and a synoptic table to Uberispora species are provided.