Ingestion by mesozooplankton and micronekton was monitored during two of the ANTARES cruises in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean in spring and summer. The composition of the mesozooplankton populations varied in space and with season. Copepods always dominated in number and biomass, but salps and pteropods were present in the northern part of the transect in summer. Five species of large copepod (Calanus simillimus, Calanoides acutus, Rhincalanus gigas, Calanus propinquus and Metridia gerlachei) dominated the biomass with a North-South gradient. Smaller species (Oithona spp., Ctenocalanus citer, Clausocalanus laticeps) were also present. Biomass showed a definite trend with highest levels towards the polar front zone and permanent open-ocean area. Feeding activity was monitored either for the total population (summer) or specific individuals (spring). In summer, depending on the area considered, grazing rates by mesozooplankton appeared to have a significant impact on phytoplankton primary production. In the northern part of the transect (polar front zone or PFZ), salps and to a minor extent pteropods and copepods contributed mostly to the feeding pressure. Maximum intensity was observed in the Coastal Antarctic Zone (CCSZ) where Euphausia superba (adults and calyptopis larvae) could ingest more than 100% of the daily primary production. In spring, the impact of copepods dominated the zooplankton community. Small calanoids and young stages of large species of copepods rather than adult stages were the dominant contributors to grazing pressure. In summer, respiration rates of the dominant copepod species showed that energy expenditure exceeded by far chlorophyll ingestion. This is generally interpreted as the consequence of ingestion of alternate non-chlorophyll food source. The inverse correlation between the biomass of microzooplankton and the area of maximum difference between grazing and respiration confirmed that in summer the protozoans are strongly controlled by the copepod community. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Univ Paris 06, LOV UMR CNRS 7093, Observ Oceanol, F-06230 Villefranche Sur Mer, FranceUniv Paris 06, LOV UMR CNRS 7093, Observ Oceanol, F-06230 Villefranche Sur Mer, France
Mayzaud, Patrick
Pakhomov, Evgeny A.
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h-index: 0
Univ British Columbia, Dept Earth Ocean & Atmospher Sci, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, CanadaUniv Paris 06, LOV UMR CNRS 7093, Observ Oceanol, F-06230 Villefranche Sur Mer, France
Natl Inst Polar Res, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, Japan
Grad Univ Adv Studies, SOKENDAI, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, JapanNatl Inst Polar Res, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, Japan
Takahashi, Kunio T.
Hosie, Graham W.
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h-index: 0
Australian Govt Antarctic Div, Kingston, Tas 7050, AustraliaNatl Inst Polar Res, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, Japan
Hosie, Graham W.
Kitchener, John A.
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h-index: 0
Australian Govt Antarctic Div, Kingston, Tas 7050, AustraliaNatl Inst Polar Res, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, Japan
Kitchener, John A.
McLeod, David J.
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h-index: 0
Australian Govt Antarctic Div, Kingston, Tas 7050, Australia
CSIRO Marine & Atmospher Res, Integrated Marine Observing Syst AusCPR Survey, Cleveland, Qld 4163, AustraliaNatl Inst Polar Res, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, Japan
McLeod, David J.
Odate, Tsuneo
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h-index: 0
Natl Inst Polar Res, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, Japan
Grad Univ Adv Studies, SOKENDAI, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, JapanNatl Inst Polar Res, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, Japan
Odate, Tsuneo
Fukuchi, Mitsuo
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h-index: 0
Natl Inst Polar Res, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, Japan
Grad Univ Adv Studies, SOKENDAI, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, JapanNatl Inst Polar Res, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, Japan
Natl Inst Polar Res, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, Japan
Grad Univ Adv Studies SOKENDAI, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, JapanNatl Inst Polar Res, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, Japan
Takahashi, Kunio T.
Hosie, Graham W.
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h-index: 0
Australian Antarctic Div, Dept Sustainabil Environm Water Populat & Communi, Kingston, Tas 7050, AustraliaNatl Inst Polar Res, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, Japan
Hosie, Graham W.
McLeod, David J.
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Australian Antarctic Div, Dept Sustainabil Environm Water Populat & Communi, Kingston, Tas 7050, Australia
CSIRO Marine & Atmospher Res, Integrated Marine Observing Syst AusCPR Survey, Dutton Pk, Qld 4102, AustraliaNatl Inst Polar Res, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, Japan
McLeod, David J.
Kitchener, John A.
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Australian Antarctic Div, Dept Sustainabil Environm Water Populat & Communi, Kingston, Tas 7050, AustraliaNatl Inst Polar Res, Tachikawa, Tokyo 1908518, Japan