The author focuses on the role of propositions and images in the constitution of the fictional world of a narrative literary work. He critically examined Martinez-Bonati's idea of the "alienation" of sentence-meanings in images, based on Husserl's notion of fulfillment (Erfullung). In particular: 1. He points out that not only expressed propositions, but also other (emotional and style-determining) parameters of sentence-meanings and even failures or disturbances in expressing propositions can participate in generating acts of imagination with mimetic functions. 2. He argues that the notion of fulfillment (as applied to sentence meanings) should be extended so as to include all experiences with mimetic function: visual images should be approached as one of the variety of kinds of (literarily-productive) imaginative fulfillment. 3. He rejects the interpretation of fulfillment as alienation (or dissolution) of meanings in images: among other things, he argues that this would eliminate the communicative scheme within which the interpretation of a text of narrative fiction takes place.
Pennsylvania State University, 246 Sparks Building, University Park
Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS), 2242 PR WassenaarPennsylvania State University, 246 Sparks Building, University Park