This article presents an integrative green training-behavior framework, drawing upon the Ability Motivation Opportunity Theory and Social Exchange Theory. It empirically tests the green training (GT) and voluntary workplace green behavior (VWGB) relationship among Indian service sector employees using structural equation modeling techniques. Results show that green supporting climate (GSC) in organizations partially mediates the strong positive influence of GT on VWGB. Further, the study reveals that employees' satisfaction with green initiatives significantly affects VWGB, fostering superior environmental performance. This research forms the initial work that empirically establishes strong positive effects of GSC and employees' green satisfaction (GS) in the GT-VWGB context, wherein, GSC and GS sequentially and partially mediate GT-VWGB. Our study minimizes the existing gaps in green behavior literature, thus providing academicians with potential avenues for further research in this field. It provides practitioners, managers, and policymakers with an in-depth understanding of corporate-wide environmental management practices like green training, which contribute to organizational sustain ability and may help them adopt company-specific green strategies that enhance employees' GS and VWGB. (c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.