Herbivores are attracted to young shoots and leaves because of their tender tissues. However, in extrafloral nectaried plants, young leaves also attract patrolling ants, which may chase or prey on herbivores. We examined this scenario in extrafloral nectaried shrubs of Banisteriopsis malifolia resprouting after fire, which promoted both the aseasonal production of leaves and the activity of extrafloral nectaries (EFNs). Results were compared between resprouting (burned) and unburned control plants. The aggressive ant species Camponotus crassus and the herbivorous thrips Pseudophilothrips obscuricornis were respectively rapidly attracted to resprouting plants because of the active EFNs and their less sclerophyllous leaves. The abundance of these insects was almost negligible in the control (unburned) shrubs. Ants failed to protect B. malifolia, as no thrips were preyed upon or injured by ants in resprouting plants. Consequently, on average, 37 % of leaves from resprouting shrubs had necrosis marks. Upon contact with ants, thrips released small liquid droplets from their abdomen, which rapidly displaced ants from the surroundings. This study shows that P. obscuricornis disrupted the facultative mutualism between C. crassus and B. malifolia, since ants received extrafloral nectar from plants, but were unable to deter herbivore thrips.