According to the 2012 industry-academic cooperation case report of Taipei College of Maritime Technology on service procedure improvement and standardization formulation in catering industry, this study aims to construct the Knowledge Sharing Behavior model. The major variables contain (1) Attitudes, (2) Subjective Norm, (3) Perceived Behavioral Control, and (4) Behavioral Intention; and, the dimensions for Knowledge Sharing, referring to cover (1) Internalization, (2) Externalization, (3) Socialization, and (4) Combination. Furthermore, the dimensions for Organizational Citizenship Behavior are applied to discussing the correlations among Theory of Planned Behavior, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Knowledge Sharing Behavior. The service personnel in the catering enterprises are taken as the research subjects, and the sampling quota, 273 samples, is proportioned to the sizes of such organizations. Independent-Sample T Test, One Way Analysis of Variance, and Structural Equation Modeling (LISREL) are utilized for exploring the Knowledge Sharing Behavior model constructed in this study. The research results are summarized as 1. The background characteristics of the service personnel in the catering enterprises would affect parts Of the variables in the Knowledge Sharing Behavior model. 2. In relation to the effects of attitudes, subjective norm,sand perceived behavioral control on knowledge sharing behavior intention of the service personnel in the catering enterprises, merely the positively collinear correlations between subjective norm and knowledge sharing intention do. not reach the significance, while both attitudes and perceived behavioral control reveal remarkably positive effects on knowledge sharing intention. 3. The personnel's knowledge sharing intention, with mediating effects, would positively affect the knowledge sharing behavior and even indirectly influence the degree of the member's knowledge sharing through organizational citizenship behavior.