This paper presents the development of indicial functions (IFs) for two-dimensional bridge deck sections. A new set of IFs predicted for the cross section of the Great Belt Bridge (GBB) are discussed. Two approaches, based on the time- and frequency-domain descriptions, are applied. In time domain, IFs are determined by imposing an instantaneous change to a system state variable, e.g., the angle of attack (AOA) of air flow to the bridge section. In frequency domain, indicial representation is derived from the aeroelastic (or flutter) derivatives typically used to define the self-excited harmonic forces in an eigenvalue problem and generated by imposing a sinusoidal motion to the bridge section and performing a sweep in the frequency range of oscillations of the section. IFs are thus evaluated by exploiting the reciprocal relations that exist between them and the aerodynamic derivatives. To determine the aerodynamic response of a bridge cross section due to a step change in the AOA and to calculate the flutter derivatives from sinusoidal oscillations, the meshless discrete vortex method implemented in DVMFLOW (R) is adopted. The results from the proposed work can be applied in the development of reduced-order models (ROM) of aerodynamic loads suitable to investigate fluid structure interaction (FSI) problems associated with practical analysis of wind effects on long-span bridges, including phenomena such as flutter, vortex-induced vibration, buffeting and galloping. The IFs reported in this paper illustrate the importance of flow separation and vortex shedding and their dependence on the magnitude of the change in a state variable such as, in particular, the AOA for the cases reported herein. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.