We formulate a general gauge invariant Lagrangian construction describing the dynamics of massive higher spin fermionic fields in arbitrary dimensions. Treating the conditions determining the irreducible representations of Poincare group with given spin as the operator constraints in auxiliary Fock space, we built the BRST charge for the model under consideration and find the gauge invariant equations of motion in terms of vectors and operators in the Fock space. It is shown that like in massless case [I.L. Buchbinder, V.A. Krykhtin, A. Pashnev, Nucl. Phys. B 711 (2005) 367, hep-th/0410215], the massive fermionic higher spin field models are the reducible gauge theories and the order of reducibility grows with the value of spin. In compare with all previous approaches, no off-shell constraints on the fields and the gauge parameters are imposed from the very beginning, all correct constraints emerge automatically as the consequences of the equations of motion. As an example, we derive a gauge invariant Lagrangian for massive spin 3/2 field. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tomsk State Pedag Univ, Dept Theoret Phys, Tomsk 634061, Russia
Natl Res Tomsk State Univ, Tomsk, RussiaTomsk State Pedag Univ, Dept Theoret Phys, Tomsk 634061, Russia
Buchbinder, I. L.
Snegirev, T. V.
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Tomsk State Pedag Univ, Dept Theoret Phys, Tomsk 634061, RussiaTomsk State Pedag Univ, Dept Theoret Phys, Tomsk 634061, Russia
Snegirev, T. V.
Zinoviev, Yu. M.
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Inst High Energy Phys, Protvino 142280, Moscow Region, RussiaTomsk State Pedag Univ, Dept Theoret Phys, Tomsk 634061, Russia
Tomsk State Pedag Univ, Dept Theoret Phys, Tomsk 634061, Russia
Natl Res Tomsk State Univ, Tomsk, RussiaTomsk State Pedag Univ, Dept Theoret Phys, Tomsk 634061, Russia
Buchbinder, I. L.
Krykhtin, V. A.
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Tomsk State Pedag Univ, Dept Theoret Phys, Tomsk 634061, Russia
Tomsk Polytech Univ, Phys Math Lab, Tomsk 634050, RussiaTomsk State Pedag Univ, Dept Theoret Phys, Tomsk 634061, Russia
Krykhtin, V. A.
Tsulaia, M.
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Univ Canberra, Fac Educ Sci Technol & Math, Bruce, ACT 2617, AustraliaTomsk State Pedag Univ, Dept Theoret Phys, Tomsk 634061, Russia