We study the Cauchy problem for multi-dimensional compressible relativistic hydrodynamics in the presence of a radiation field. First, based on the theory of quasilinear symmetric hyperbolic, we establish the local existence of smooth solutions for both non-vacuum and vacuum cases. Next, in the spirit of Sideris' work [T. Sideris, Formation of singularities of solutions to nonlinear hyperbolic equations, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 86 (1984) 369-381; T. Sideris, Formation of singularities in three-dimensional compressible fluids, Comm. Math. Phys. 101 (1985) 475-485], we show that smooth solutions blow-up in finite time if the initial data is compactly supported and large enough. Compared with the previous work, the main difficulties of the first problem lie in two aspects, we must first deal with the source terms relying on radiative quantities, and we also need to solve out the new coefficients matrices under the Lorentz transformation for vacuum case. The second difficulty arises on how to verifying that the smooth solution has finite propagation speed..