Many individual mineral Sr isotope studies have revealed the complex evolution of highly evolved rocks in upper crustal magmatic systems, casting doubts on the meaning of whole-rock Sr isotopes in such samples. In this paper, whole-rock Sr isotope measurements were replicated (three to 13 times) on six highly evolved peralkaline rhyolites from the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) to appraise their internal heterogeneity and, thus, the significance of such data. These rocks were all fresh samples of pumice, obsidian and lava. Their maximum Sr contents and ages were 15 mu g/g and 1.7 Ma, respectively. Significant small-scale heterogeneities of both Sr isotopes and Rb and Sr contents were observed in most samples, although not necessarily associated with petrological characteristics suggesting possible inheritance processes. Only two, almost crystal-free, obsidian give fairly homogeneous Sr isotope ratios. These results outline the ambiguity of a single whole-rock Sr isotope determination on highly evolved peralkaline rocks, especially when no simultaneous accurate determination of the Rb/Sr is performed. They also suggest that the limitations of Sr whole-rock analyses are not restricted to phenocryst-rich samples as phenocryst-poor obsidian and almost aphyric pumices and lava are also concerned. These data further underscore that unreplicated whole-rock Sr isotope measurements should always be used with great caution in the petrogenetic modeling of highly evolved rocks. However, multiple determinations of whole rock Sr-87/Sr-86 in the same samples, combined with other geochemical and isotopic data, may provide constraints on the shallow level evolution of these magmas. It is suggested that selective upper crustal contamination and/or interactions with halogen-bearing hydrous fluids, typical of evolved peralkaline magmas, were probably involved in the late magmatic evolution of these MER rhyolites. The more pervasive character of fluid interaction processes would probably better account for the small-scale association of uncontaminated and contaminated signatures in a single sample. Thus, even fresh samples may have their Rb-Sr isotopic system significantly modified by fluid interactions, not as a secondary process but at the late magmatic stage.