Previous studies from this laboratory provided evidence that the intracellular bacterial pathogen Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) pneumoniae is present in the late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain. Here we report culture of the organism from two AD brain samples, each of which originated from a different geographic region of North America. Culturable organisms were detectable after one and two passages in HEp-2 cells for the two samples. Both isolates, designated Tor-l and Phi-1, were demonstrated to be authentic C pneumoniae using PCR assays targeting the C pneumoniae-specific genes Cpn0695, Cpn1046, and tyrP. Assessment of inclusion morphology and quantitation of infectious yields in epithelial (HEp-2), astrocytic (U-87 MG), and microglial (CHME-5) cell lines demonstrated an active, rather than a persistent, growth phenotype for both isolates in all host cell types. Sequencing of the omp1 gene from each isolate, and directly from DNA prepared from several additional AD brain tissue samples PCR-positive for C pneumoniae, revealed genetically diverse chlamydial populations. Both brain isolates carry several copies of the tyrP gene, a triple copy in Tor-1, and predominantly a triple copy in Phi-l with a minor population component having a double copy. This observation indicated that the brain isolates are more closely related to respiratory than to vascular/atheroma strains of C. pneumoniae. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.