Characterization of climatic hazards for agriculture call he done using, global circulation models (GCMs) and/or regional circulation models (RegGCMs). The GCMs provide credible information of climate, at least for subcontinental scales, while the RegCMs are used to determine specific characteristics of the weather in mesoscale Regardless of whether these models provide meteorological data through either long-term or short-term runs, the land surface models are strong, links between the underlying surface and the atmosphere. Recently they have been remarkably improved ill the segment of the parameterization of turbulent fluxes inside and above the tall grass canopies. making them more relevant, ill assessing how regional climate may affect agriculture. Except these schemes many other environmental/agricultural models (UV radiation, plant diseases, crop, irrigation models, etc.), linked with the new generation of non-hydrostatic mesoscale models. call provide highly sophisticated information tor farmers and agricultural planners. In this paper we shortly describe environmental models, mostly designed in the Centre for Meteorology and Environmental predictions. University of Novi Sad (Serbia). All of them are linked with the NMM non-hydrostatic mesoscale model for the purpose of an intensive use in agricultural planning. The description and comments are supported by the corresponding numerical simulations.