The media influences the learning and behavior of the audience, causing the risk of imitation behavior related to social values, violent behavior, and myth. Hence, media creators should concern about the impact of the media's content, which can change human behavior. This research, therefore, wants to develop social learning innovation, which is a learning process from bringing knowledge and practice from both fields of communication and education to produce media with ethics. In line with this, the development of 4 dimensions of creative media, including self-awareness and life skills, coexistence in the digital age, coexistence in society as a citizen, and living in a multicultural society will be explored. Fifty university students from Media and Communication faculty in Chiang Mai, Thailand will join the Participatory Action Research (PAR), combines participatory research with action research via a movie-based learning process. The samples of this study were divided into five groups of moviemakers based on social issues, and their perspectives through a semi-structured group interview process will be collected. The data was analyzed using Nvivo software. The significances of this study are in providing social innovation, which merges media production and communication skills to reflect and solve social problems through movies for the Thai youth. Moreover, the perspective of Thai youth towards using movies production to highlight social phenomena will be provided.