Background and Objective: The use of training models in laparoscopic surgery allows the surgical team to practice procedures in a safe environment. The aim of this study was to determine the capability of an inanimate laparoscopic appendectomy model to discriminate between different levels of surgical experience (construct validity). Methods: The performance of 3 groups with different levels of expertise in laparoscopic surgery-experts (Group A), intermediates (Group B), and novices (Group C)-was evaluated. The groups were instructed of the task to perform in the model using a video tutorial. Procedures were recorded in a digital format for later analysis using the Global Operative Assessment of Laparoscopic Skills (GOALS) score; procedure time was registered. The data were analyzed using the analysis of variance test. Results: Twelve subjects were evaluated, 4 in each group, using the GOALS score and time required to finish the task. Higher scores were observed in the expert group, followed by the intermediate and novice groups, with statistically significant difference. Regarding procedure time, a significant difference was also found between the groups, with the experts having the shorter time. The proposed model is able to discriminate among individuals with different levels of expertise, indicating that the abilities that the model evaluates are relevant in the surgeon's performance. Conclusions: Construct validity for the inanimate full-task laparoscopic appendectomy training model was demonstrated. Therefore, it is a useful tool in the development and evaluation of the resident in training.