The amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) generation varies with the population, seasonal variation, and also with the localities of the cities. Different treatment methods are available for the treatment of MSW. These methods also depend upon the composition of MSW and the facilities available in that particular locality. The most commonly used treatment methods include land filling, composting, and incineration. In this study, estimates were worked out for the amount of MSW generated in seven large cities (Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Hyderabad, Multan, Peshawar, and Quetta) of Pakistan during the period 1998-2008. Based on the available data, estimations have also been made by extrapolation for the next decade. The population of selected cites is in millions and is increasing rapidly every year. These cities generate huge quantities of MSW daily; however, these wastes are not managed properly. Populations beyond control and poor management of MSW have further been the reasons of environmental pollution and spread of disastrous diseases in these localities. Incineration technology has been focused as it involves the combustion of organic materials and/or substances. Studies further revealed that incineration reduces the volume of MSW to 95%. From the current statistics, the electricity/power potential of Karachi (204.3 MWh), Lahore (140.6 MWh), Faisalabad (37.3 MWh), Hyderabad (22.6 MWh), Multan (23.6 MWh), Peshawar (17 MWh), and Quetta (9.54 MWh) had been worked out. The studies suggest that by adopting incineration technology for MSW management, the volume of MSW can be reduced substantially in addition to power generation, which will lessen the burden on other sources.