Purpose - To provide an optimization methodology for the journal bearings of mass balancing systems, that consists in a sensibility analysis of the journal bearings design parameters in the journal bearing operating parameters, as well as the comparison and selection of the journal bearing materials and the selection of the lubrication grooves suitable. Design/methodology/approach - The methodology followed comprehends three steps. The first step is the one by one variation of the journal bearing design parameters (radial clearance, journal bearing diameter and journal bearing length) to analyse, independently, their influence on the journal bearing operating parameters (minimum film thickness, maximum pressure and power loss). The second step is the analysis and comparison of the metallic materials that can be used in the journal bearings. The third step is the selection of the lubrication groove. Findings - Applying this methodology it is shown that increasing the radial clearance the minimum film thickness increases and the maximum pressure and the power loss decrease, increasing the journal bearing length the minimum film thickness and the power loss increase and the maximum pressure decreases, at last, increasing the journal bearing diameter the minimum film thickness, the maximum pressure and the power loss increase. The materials that should be used are the white metals (Babbitts). And the journal bearing lubrication grooves should be circumferential. Practical implications - This method gives the user the possibility to eliminate potential failures of the journal bearings, or simply to make a sensibility study of the influence of the journal bearing design parameters in the operating ones. Originality/value - This paper provides a simple and objective methodology to make a sensibility analysis of the influence of the journal bearing design parameters in the operating parameters, as well as select the journal bearing materials and lubrication grooves.