The effects of the parasitic phorid fly, Pseudacteon tricuspis Borgmeier, on the competitive interactions between the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, and a native North American ant, Forelius pruinosus (Roger), were investigated in the laboratory. P. tricuspis is a highly host-specific endoparasitoid of S. invicta workers that is currently being reared and released as a biological control agent of S. invicta in the US. We tested the effect of P. tricuspis on the colony growth rate of S. invicta when S. invicta was forced to compete with F. pruinosus for a protein resource (freeze-killed crickets) in laboratory competition arenas. In addition to colony growth rate, we quantified the effect of the phorid flies on the foraging rate of S. invicta. Though S. invicta significantly reduced its foraging rate in the presence of the phorid flies, we did not detect an effect of the flies on colony growth rate. Possible explanations for these results include behavioral compensation by S. invicta for the presence of the flies. We present these laboratory results in light of a literature search indicating that laboratory tests of biological control agent efficacy are good predictors of field efficacy. We conclude that P. tricuspis alone is unlikely to suppress S. invicta populations in the field by reducing their competitive ability. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Inc.