The high-luminosity upgrade of the large hadron collider (HL-LHC) at CERN will replace the main ring inner triplet quadrupoles, identified by the acronym MQXF, adjacent to the main ring intersection regions. For the past decade, the U.S. LHC Accelerator R&D Program, LARP, has been evaluating conductors for the MQXFA prototypes, which are the outer magnets of the triplet. Recently, the requirements for MQXF magnets and cables have been published in [P. Ferracin et al., IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 26, no. 4, Jun. 2016, Art. no. 4000207], along with the final specification for Ti-alloyed Nb3Sn conductor determined jointly by CERN and LARP. This paper describes the rationale beneath the 0.85-mm-diameter strand's chief parameters, which are 108 or more subelements, a copper fraction not less than 52.4%, strand critical current at 4.22 K not less than 631 A at 12 T and 331 A at 15 T, and residual resistance ratio of not less than 150. This paper also compares the performance for similar to 100 km production lots of the five most recent LARP conductors to the first 163 km of strand made according to theHL-LHCspecification. Two factors emerge as significant for optimizing performance and minimizing risk: a modest increase of the subelement diameter from 50 to 55 mu m, and a Nb: Sn molar ratio of 3.6 instead of 3.4. The statistics acquired so far give confidence that the present conductor can balance competing demands in production for the HL-LHC project.