The article presented a creative way to discover the most important and international trends at the beginning of the new age. The most important causes which influence the fashion trend were concluded. Those were Low carbon economy, the global spread of information and information technology revolution, and the Urbanization. On the basis of the facts, the fashion trend in the future years would be majored on four themes, which are Sobriety, Mix Mash, Utility and Wilderness. In the fashion industry, one of the most important factor is to accurately analyze the consumers' emotional response to current fashion trends and to forecast trends for the forthcoming season based on the analyzed results. In this study, it is assumed that a more accurate trend-forecasting for a market would be possible, if the fluctuation of consumer emotion could be represented on a kind of macroscopic model of recent fashion trends. For an exploratory attempt to acquire such macroscopic information on trends, this research aimed to propose a systematic method to derive a macroscopic model on trends on the basis of consumer emotion; and develop a macroscopic model on recent fashion trends, applying the method.