Background/Aims: Serologic tests are commonly used for screening Helicobacter pylori infection because they not only provide quick results but also are inexpensive. A new latex agglutination serum antibody assay (LZ test) has been developed and it is expected to be as effective as conventional assays. This study aimed to calculate a reliable cutoff value for the LZ test and to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of the cutoff value in screening adolescents for H. pylori infection in Japan. Methods: We screened junior high school students in Akita Prefecture, Japan, for H. pylori infection. We used the data of 213 such students who underwent H. pylori stool antigen (HpSA) tests in 2016. The students who had positive results with HpSA tests were diagnosed with H. pylori infection. Of the 213 students, 209 underwent the LZ test. Results: The prevalence rate of H. pylori infection was 3.8% (8/209). The area under the curve for the LZ test was 0.88. The cutoff value of the LZ test was determined to be 3.1 U/mL. At this value, the sensitivity and specificity were 87.5 and 91.5%, respectively. Conclusion: The accuracy of the LZ test in adolescents was well balanced for sensitivity and specificity as well as for tolerable results. (C) 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel