This work is focus on particular type of fashion retailing strategy, specially exploitable in high level fashion and luxury store. We conducted our analysis inside the Florentine stores context, inquiring Customers' appreciation of experiential marketing elements. The present work can be summarize into three logical passages. In the first phase it has been developed a theoretical reference framework in order to characterize punctually concepts of experience, obviously refereed to high level experience in retailing and shopping fashion service. This lode of studies, is started, and particular suitable, for retailing store specially fashion and luxury boutiques where the sale strategy can be supported by other marketing tools related to imaginary and brand store spheres (music, fragrances, lights, environmental atmosphere, shopper helpers' acting and so on). Afterwards, starting from the theoretical elements just identified, we proceed with an empirical research carried out directly on the retail fashion customers through questionnaires, that have inquired the subjective satisfaction and the elements that are important for the creation of experience in fashion context. The customers sample has been selected inside the customer base of several Florentine fashion and luxury stores. Last part of the present job, introduces turning out of surveying, perceived experiential factors from consumers and those mainly suitable to recreate the experience to their eyes. So we made a clusterization to individuate particular segment of costumers. The evidences present three particular costumer classes that paid attention to different experiential variables.