Objective: This study aims to investigate the level and extent to which the International Integrated Reporting Framework is used in the corporate reporting of Listed Companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, and to test whether there is a different level of integrated reporting between companies in different industries. Background: Since grouping of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) which includes ten countries located in Southeast Asia was held, there have been several international standards in terms of accounting and finance used for the member countries including corporate integrated report. There is little evidence indicating the extent and level of integrated reporting guided by the IIRF in Thailand. Consequently, investigating integrated reporting in Thailand could be reporting a guideline for Thai listed companies and the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Methodology: This study analysed the annual registration statements (Form 56-1) for year-end 2015 of the 139 listed firms. The level of integration was measured with regard to items based on the content analysis of the International Integrated Reporting Framework. Descriptive analysis, ANOVA, and t-test were used to analyse the data of study. Results: The results reveal a significant variation in the integrated financial reporting scores across various integrated financial reporting items and industries. It is also found that the organizational overview and external environment element, and risk and opportunities element generated the highest scores, whereas the strategy and resource allocation element revealed the lowest scores among the firms. Moreover, the highest score is found in the financial and resource industries, while the technology sector obtained the lowest score. Finally, we found to be significantly different between each pair of industries across the organizational overview and external environment, business model, strategy and resource allocation, performance and future outlook. Contributions: This study identified the level and extent of the integrated financial reporting in the corporate reporting of listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The findings represent fundamental information for the development of the International Integrated Reporting Framework in Thailand.