Purpose The healthcare system is regarded as one of the most critical service industries. The surgical unit is the heart of hospitals in that any failures directly affect the safety of patients, so they should be managed thoroughly. It is an intricate multi-attributes decision-making problem with uncertainty. Uncertain information in the form of fuzzy sets theory has been applied widely to describe the different aspects of system uncertainty. This study aims to present a new methodology to manage the healthcare system failures due to the multi-attributes decision-making process. Design/methodology/approach This study introduces a new risk evaluation methodology by failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) and MULTIMOORA method. Group decision-making process in this methodology is presented under uncertain information in the form of interval-valued hesitant fuzzy linguistic sets (IVHFLSs). IVHFLSs encompass both qualitative and quantitative interpretation of experts to reflect their preferences, as well the ability and flexibility of derivation of linguistic information by several linguistic terms increase. To avoid the different ranking order of MULTIMOORA approaches, a new interval multi-approaches multi-attribute methodology, namely, technique of precise order preference (TPOP), is extended to provide precise ranking order. Findings The application and precision of proposed integrated IVHFL-MULTIMOORA methodology with TPOP is examined in a case study of healthcare systems. The results indicate the superiority of proposed methodology to prioritize and assess the failures as well as handling system uncertainty. Originality/value This study addresses the challenges of an organization to prioritize potential failures by implementing FMEA method. Moreover, this paper contributes to making the manager's ability in decision-making. The value of this study can be discussed in two aspects. First and foremost, this study provides a new FMEA-based methodology to rank failures precisely. The results prove that the proposed methodology is more robust to changes of different ranking order methods, applied by FMEA. On the other hand, using the capability of IVHFLSs allows collecting accurate information in an ambiguous and uncertain environment.