The aim of current study was to evaluate the incidence and characteristics of ocular sarcoidosis in a Korean population. We conducted a retrospective study of 104 consecutive patients with biopsy-proven sarcoidosis seen at Asan Medical Center in Seoul, Korea, from 1993 to 2007. Medical records, photographs, and fluorescein angiograms were reviewed. Of 104 patients, 22 (21%) had intraocular involvement with female predominance (86%, M:F=3:19). Of the 39 eyes with ocular involvement, 16 (41%) eyes had isolated anterior uveitis, 12 (31%) eyes had intermediate uveitis, 6 eyes (15%) had panuveitis with retinal vasculitis, and 5 (13%) eyes had panuveitis with punched multifocal choroiditis. Mean duration of ophthalmologic follow-up was 62 months. All ocular inflammation was well managed with topical steroid and/or systemic steroid with relatively good final visual outcomes. Ocular complications such as cataract (12 eyes, 30%), glaucoma (6 eyes, 15%), vitreous opacity (1 eye, 3%), cystoid macular edema (3 eyes, 7%), neovascularization (2 eye, 5%), and epiretinal membrane (4 eye, 10%) were related to ocular sarcoidosis. In Korea, where sarcoidosis is very rare, our study indicates relatively low ocular and predominantly non posterior segment involvement with relatively good visual prognosis.