Objective: To determine the effectiveness of outreach chest camp intervention for detection of missed tuberculosis cases in Pakistan and to evaluate the demographic profile of those who are dependent on such doorstep healthcare services. Methods: This retrospective study was carried out using data from the outreach chest camp intervention organised by Greenstar Social Marketing company from August 2015 till December 2016 in Lahore, Gujrat and Sheikhupura districts of Pakistan's Punjab province. The intervention involved a set of community mobilisation events in hard-to-reach areas and in healthcare facilities which are deprived of suitable settings, followed by free medical camps where medical consultation and tuberculosis diagnostic facility of sputum smear microscopy were provided to the camp attendees. The data was taken as per set variables and analysed using SPSS 23. Results: A total of 399chest camps were conducted, where 22,399 patients were clinically assessed for the presence or absence of tuberculosis. Overall, 12,319(55%) of the attendees were females and 10,080(45%) were males. Of the total, 5,226(24.6%) had signs and symptoms of tuberculosis and were declared as tuberculosis presumptive cases. After diagnostic investigations, 831(3.7%) individuals were declared confirmed tuberculosis patients. Amongst the total confirmed cases, 439(52.8%) were diagnosed through sputum smear microscopy with percent bacteria positivity of 8. (95% confidence interval [CI] 7.54 - 9.02). Conclusion: Chest camp intervention was found to have great potential to detect missed tuberculosis cases, thus limiting the spread of disease in the community.