It was carried out an experiment with goats Saanen, on the first lactation, with 50 kg of body weight, housed in individual stalls of 3 m(2), to evaluate the effect of substitution of soybean meal (SM) protein by the protein from the corn gluten flour (CGF), in the milk production, milk composition, voluntary intake and plasmatic urea. The experimental design was the triple Latin square 4 x 4, with four periods of 21 days, being 14 days of adaptation to the diet and seven days for samples collection. The goats were fed and milked in the morning and afternoon. The Substitution levels studied were: 0, 10, 30 and 50% of CGF (based in the crude protein). The substitution of the soybean meal by CGM did not affect the intake (kg/day and %BW) of dry matter, crude protein and acid detergent fiber, but there was quadratic effect for neutral detergent fiber intake (kg/day and %BW). There was effect on the levels of plasmatic urea nitrogen (PUN), where the smallest values were in the intermediate levels of substitution, being the biggest values for the treatment with only SM. The milk production decreased lineally with the inclusion of CGM. The substitution levels resulted in lineal decrease in the fat production (kg/day), in the milk fat content (%) and milk total solids content (%). There was quadratic effect for lactose production, being the smallest value for 31.6% of substitution level. It was no effect on in crude protein in the milk, which average was .083 kg/day. The crude protein content, lactose and total solids did not suffer effect of the substitution levels, being the average values of 2.98, 4.35 and 11.51%. respectively.