Many physics teachers have experienced the challenges of implementing the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in their high school curricula. These standards, based upon the Framework for K-12 Science Education, were intended to shift science instruction towards an interdisciplinary focus on three-dimensional learning, phenomena anchored explorations, and developing solutions for technological problems. The present paper describes a collaboration between electrical and computer engineers and physics educators, whereby a physics unit was created to embed engineering practices in the design of a night light. Although the project also incorporates aspects of crosscutting concepts and disciplinary core ideas, we focused on engineering practices since more educational resources are needed that illustrate this aspect of NGSS-aligned teaching and learning. The unit was piloted with over 1500 high school students in an informal outreach program, as well as professional development workshops for 100 secondary science teachers, with the intent that teachers would incorporate this and other engineering projects in their physical science classrooms.