The aim of this study is to estimate the potential impact of ambient temperature rise due to urbanization or global warming on energy consumption in Hong Kong. Using one-year data, the temperature dependence of the monthly consumption of one energy fuel (electricity, gas or oil) in a specific category (domestic, commercial or industrial) was determined by a statistical regression (E = f (T)). The increase in energy consumption for each year assuming a 1 degrees C temperature rise could then be estimated. The analyses show that the percentage changes of annual electricity and domestic gas consumption remained consistent for 15 years. The results show that for a 1 degrees C ambient temperature rise, the electricity consumption would increase by 9.2%, 3.0%, and 2.4% in domestic, commercial and industrial sectors, respectively. The corresponding economic impact on total electricity consumptions was estimated at HK$1.7 billion (in 2004). The domestic gas demand due to a 1 degrees C ambient temperature rise would be reduced by 2.4% and its economic saving would be HK$77 million. The temperature dependence of monthly oil products consumption was very weak. In summary, for a 1 degrees C ambient temperature rise, the energy cost of Hong Kong would probably increase by HK$1.6 billion per year. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.