After 26 years as Editor of Revista Medica de Chile, Alejandro Goic, M.D. left this post and became Editor Emeritus. Under his leadership, our medical journal, one of the oldest in the world (founded in 1872) and perhaps the oldest one from Spanishspeaking countries, accomplished a steady progress fulfilling the self-appointed combined role of a medical journal also dedicated to the editorial task of educating the authors, the reviewers and the readers, during the process of selection and improvement of manuscripts. In 1979, Revista Medica de Chile was one of the first external journals that adhered to, and adopted the, recommendations give at the Vancouver convention of biomedical journal editors and its successive additions. A peer-review system was progressively implemented and nowadays it benefits from the collaboration of prominent local experts from several scientific fields, as required by the manuscripts submitted: in 1995, 151 reviewers participated in this process. The format of every original article and its references are those recommended by the Vancouver convention. The Journal has been included in the most important international indexes. Spanish is the official language, but all articles begin with a specially prepared summary in English that facilitates its international difussion. Two other members of the editorial team: Ricardo Cruz Coke, M.D. and Oke France, M.D., have also left their positions as Associate Editors. Revista Medica de Chile and its owner institution, sociedad Medica de Santiago (Chilean Internal Medicine Association), express themselves gratitude and admiration for their efficient, enthusiastic and exemplary commitment to the challenging enterprise that culminated by having this journal recognized as the leader among Chilean medical and scientific journals.