Icmeler Bay' recreational coast, Dilek Peninsula Buyuk Menderes Delta National Park, was surveyed to determine visitor-sourced litter types and cleanliness levels. Litter types and pollution were compared in terms of recreational uses and esthetic quality. Visitors rated the offensiveness of 17 several litter items that were found in the Bay. Finally, visitors evaluated the cleanliness and crowdedness of the Bay and the adequacy of trash cans. Litters were counted at 192 samplings, and 384 questionnaires were completed from July to August 2018. The results indicate that OR (Organic litter) (53.14%) and PL (plastic) (29.06%) were the common litter material in the litter composition. The cleanliness level was C (Dirty) (grades on A-D). A weakly significant negative correlation (r = -0.463, p = 0.000) was found between the offensiveness ranks of the litter types and the abundance of these litter types in the park. The park was dirty (69%), crowded (72.7%), and the numbers of facilities were insufficient (59.4%) according to most visitors. For minimizing the environmental and social impacts of littering, it is considered that the visitor management plan should be prepared urgently and littering management actions should be defined in this plan. Eight categories of direct and indirect management actions are recommended.