Simple Summary At present, the only place in Europe where the full development cycle of forests takes place on a large scale is the Bialowieza Forest, because in most other forests dead or dying trees are eliminated, so the terminal (decay) phase does not occur there. Studies of animal assemblages inhabiting different forest phases are scarce as well as studies of spiders inhabiting tree trunks and branches. In this study, we compare spider assemblages inhabiting the tree trunks and branches in the optimal, terminal and regeneration phases of a primeval oak-lime-hornbeam stand in terms of their abundance, species diversity and species richness. We did not find differences in the total spider species richness between the analysed phases. However, we found that species diversity of both foliage-dwelling and trunk-dwelling spider assemblages was higher in the terminal phase compared to the other phases, which may indicate that this phase offers the most diverse niches for spiders as a result of the significant disturbance in the forest stand structure. Our research contributes to the understanding of the functioning of natural ecosystems, which can be useful for responsible forest management. The study was conducted in the Bialowieza Forest, which is the only place in Europe where the full development cycle of forests takes place on a large scale. The objective of this study was to compare spider assemblages inhabiting tree trunks and tree branches in the optimal, terminal and regeneration phases of a primeval oak-lime-hornbeam stand, in terms of their abundance, species diversity and species richness. Spiders of tree branches were sampled using a sweep net into which branches were shaken, while spiders inhabiting tree trunks were collected using traps made of corrugated cardboard placed around the trunks. The three analysed phases did not differ in terms of total species richness. We found that the species diversity of both foliage-dwelling and trunk-dwelling spider assemblages was higher in the terminal phase compared to other phases, which may indicate that the former phase offered the most diverse niches for spiders as a result of the significant disturbance in the stand structure. In addition, we found fewer spider individuals and species in individual samples collected on tree branches from a plot in the regeneration phase compared to the other phases, which may be a consequence of the structure of the stand in this phase (low canopy cover, lush herbaceous vegetation).