In the era of globalization, the whole world has turned into a small village. It is safe to say that the reason for the change in the world and its transformation into an information society was Internet resources. Through the Internet, you can find out in seconds what is happening anywhere in the world. Thus, the Internet has become an integral part of a person's daily life. Today, people denied access to the Internet feel like hermits in the desert. This proves the fact that society has become informational and virtual. The Internet has become a real force, not only informing but also virtualizing society. Most of the offline services that were before the advent of the Internet are now available online. For example, education has become available remotely via the Internet. Purchases are also made through online stores. Money transfers have been made online since the advent of the Internet. Thus, the vast majority of services that are demanded to meet human needs have become virtualized. One of the inherent values of human nature is faith. More than 84% of the seven billion people living on Earth are of one religion or another. According to statistics for 2019, 57% of the world's population, or more than four billion people, use the Internet. In an era when all areas closely related to human life are virtualized, religious relations did not remain distant from these changes. The Internet has proven to be effective in spreading religion. The preaching work is done exclusively over the Internet, through websites. The reason for this is efficiency in terms of saving time and money. So, for example, if you want to listen to a preacher, you do not have to meet with him tet-atet, you just need to make an agreement and simultaneously connect to the Internet. Besides, you can register, listen to, and view the sermons of the desired preacher on their website. The necessity of traveling to a specific country or place for religious education has decreased with Internet development. The possibility of acquiring knowledge and getting an education at a religious university through distance learning are available nowadays. The Internet has removed many barriers and boundaries in time and space, raised human life to a new level, and opened up many opportunities. The sites have become a mirror of any religious organization. An organization that does not have its own website in the information society is like an organization without an address or specific location. Today's consumers will mostly recognize any organization through their personal website. Religious organizations, adherents of any religion, or a person who wants to embrace a new faith can easily access the information through the website. For all of the above, it is crucial to provide religious information through the website under technical and theological norms.