Archival heritage of Ivan Krypiakevych in fonds of Institute of Manuscript of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine

Harbar, Larysa [1 ]
[1] Vernadsky Natl Lib Ukraine, Inst Manuscript, Dept Manuscript Heritage Fonds, Kiev, Ukraine
Ivan Petrovych Krypiakevych; Institute of Manuscript of the V; I; Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine; archival heritage;
K [历史、地理];
06 ;
The aim of the paper: representation of the composition and content of docu-ments of the archival heritage of the scientist and organizer of science Ivan Petro-vych Krypiakevych (1886-1967), which are part of various fonds of the Institute of Manuscript of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. The research methodology consists in the application of historical-typological, historical -chrono-logical, historical-systemic methods. The specified methodological approach makes it possible to determine the type of documents of I. P. Krypiakevych in the archive fonds of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine and their informational potential for displaying the scientific biography of the scientist. The scientific novel-ty of the study consists in the introduction into scientific circulation of archival docu-ments that supplement information about the life, activity and work of Academician I. P. Krypiakevych, as well as about the scientist's family. Conclusions. The article considers and provides a description of the composition and content of Academician I. P. Krypiakevych's documents scattered among various fonds, which we condition-ally systematized according to the thematic and species principle into the following groups: scientific works of the scientist (articles and reviews); correspondence, in particular letters from I. P. Krypiakevych to the head of the Permanent Commission for Compiling a Biographical Dictionary of Ukrainian Figures M. M. Mohylianskyi for 1927-1929, as well as letters to S. I. Maslov, P. M. Popov, M. Yu. Braichevskyi, etc.; autobiographical documents and documents related to the activity of the scien-tist as the head of the department of old prints of the Library of the Academy of Sci-ences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1947-1948. The informational potential of the documents of the scientific heritage of the scientist for the formation and development of a number of auxiliary historical disciplines and the study of the history of Ukrainian science is also determined.
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