The success of compressed sensing relies essentially on the ability to efficiently find an approximately sparse solution to an under-determined linear system. In this paper, we developed an efficient algorithm for the sparsity promoting l(1)-regularized least squares problem by coupling the primal dual active set strategy with a continuation technique (on the regularization parameter). In the active set strategy, we first determine the active set from primal and dual variables, and then update the primal and dual variables by solving a low-dimensional least square problem on the active set, which makes the algorithm very efficient. The continuation technique globalizes the convergence of the algorithm, with provable global convergence under restricted isometry property (RIP). Further, we adopt two alternative methods, i.e., a modified discrepancy principle and a Bayesian information criterion, to choose the regularization parameter automatically. Numerical experiments indicate that our algorithm is very competitive with state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of accuracy and efficiency, without a priori information about the regularization parameter.