Background: Analysing a community's needs and requirements is useful for planning a community-based health promotion programme. The literature recommends the analysis of existing population-based data, the discussion with a community's key persons, and standardised surveys among the community members. With reagrd to the latter method, German-language literature is scarce. Aim: A community analysis in the Bavarian rural community Karlshuld (5000 inhabitants) was intended to provide a starting point for tailored health promotion activities in the community. As a part of the community analysis, a survey among the Karlshuld citizens was intended to inform about (1) health-related knowledge and behaviour of the community members, (2) their utilization and acceptance of existing health-related offers and activities, (3) their possibilities for active participation, their state of empowerment and (4) community-related aspects influencing quality of life. Methods: A standardised telephone survey was performed with a random sample of Karlshuld community members aged 15 years and older. The questions covered health-related living conditions and activities in Karlshuld, quality of life and participation of community members. In addition, data were collected on knowledge, attitude and behaviour with regard to the issues nutrition, physical activity and tobacco consumption. The sample comprised 314 community members (f=68.8 %; age 43.9 +/- 13.8 years). Results: Shortcomings in knowledge on healthy nutrition were evident, especially among male participants. Whereas the general attitude towards a healthy diet was favourable in the majority of respondents, only 45.9%/58.6% stated that they daily consumed vegetables/fruit. One third of the 27.4% smokers among the respondents had intended but failed to quit smoking in the previous year: 80% stated they were willing to quit. The participants named infrastructure, nature and health-related activities as positive aspects in Karlshuld. Only 50% knew where to get information on health-related issues. 42.9% of respondents felt they could influence decisions on health-related issues in the community. There was no correlation between school education and knowledge or participation. Discussion: The survey among Karlshuld community members identified potential approaches to improving the community environment and to tailor health education activities to the special needs of Karlshuld. A follow-up survey in 2008/2009 will be carried Out in order to evaluate whether or not the Karlshuld health promotion programme was successful in building on Karlshuld's strengths and influencing its weaknesses.