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- [1] Multi-site assessment of the precision and reproducibility of multiple reaction monitoring–based measurements of proteins in plasma[J]. Nature Biotechnology, 2009, 27 : 633 - 641Terri A Addona论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsSusan E Abbatiello论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsBirgit Schilling论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsSteven J Skates论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsD R Mani论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsDavid M Bunk论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsClifford H Spiegelman论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsLisa J Zimmerman论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsAmy-Joan L Ham论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsHasmik Keshishian论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsSteven C Hall论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsSimon Allen论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsRonald K Blackman论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsChristoph H Borchers论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsCharles Buck论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsHelene L Cardasis论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsMichael P Cusack论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsNathan G Dodder论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsBradford W Gibson论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsJason M Held论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsTara Hiltke论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsAngela Jackson论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsEric B Johansen论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsChristopher R Kinsinger论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsJing Li论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsMehdi Mesri论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsThomas A Neubert论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsRichard K Niles论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsTrenton C Pulsipher论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsDavid Ransohoff论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsHenry Rodriguez论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsPaul A Rudnick论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsDerek Smith论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsDavid L Tabb论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsTony J Tegeler论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsAsokan M Variyath论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsLorenzo J Vega-Montoto论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsÅsa Wahlander论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsSofia Waldemarson论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsMu Wang论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsJeffrey R Whiteaker论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsLei Zhao论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsN Leigh Anderson论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsSusan J Fisher论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsDaniel C Liebler论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsAmanda G Paulovich论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsFred E Regnier论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsPaul Tempst论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of StatisticsSteven A Carr论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Department of Statistics
- [2] Multi-site assessment of the precision and reproducibility of multiple reaction monitoring-based measurements of proteins in plasma (vol 27, pg 633, 2009)[J]. NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2009, 27 (09) : 864 - 864Addona, Terri A.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Abbatiello, Susan E.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Schilling, Birgit论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Skates, Steven J.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Mani, D. R.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Bunk, David M.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Spiegelman, Clifford H.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Zimmerman, Lisa J.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Ham, Amy-Joan L.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Keshishian, Hasmik论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Hall, Steven C.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Allen, Simon论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Blackman, Ronald K.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Borchers, Christoph H.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Buck, Charles论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Cardasis, Helene L.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Cusack, Michael P.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Dodder, Nathan G.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Gibson, Bradford W.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Held, Jason M.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Hiltke, Tara论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Jackson, Angela论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Johansen, Eric B.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Kinsinger, Christopher R.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Li, Jing论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Mesri, Mehdi论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Neubert, Thomas A.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Niles, Richard K.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Pulsipher, Trenton C.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Ransohoff, David论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Rodriguez, Henry论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Rudnick, Paul A.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Smith, Derek论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Tabb, David L.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Tegeler, Tony J.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Variyath, Asokan M.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Vega-Montoto, Lorenzo J.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Wahlander, Asa论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Waldemarson, Sofia论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Wang, Mu论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Whiteaker, Jeffrey R.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Zhao, Lei论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Anderson, N. Leigh论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Fisher, Susan J.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Liebler, Daniel C.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Paulovich, Amanda G.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Regnier, Fred E.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Tempst, Paul论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Carr, Steven A.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0
- [3] Correction: Corrigendum: Multi-site assessment of the precision and reproducibility of multiple reaction monitoring–based measurements of proteins in plasma[J]. Nature Biotechnology, 2009, 27 : 864 - 864Terri A Addona论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Susan E Abbatiello论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Birgit Schilling论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Steven J Skates论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0D R Mani论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0David M Bunk论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Clifford H Spiegelman论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Lisa J Zimmerman论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Amy-Joan L Ham论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Hasmik Keshishian论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Steven C Hall论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Simon Allen论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Ronald K Blackman论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Christoph H Borchers论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Charles Buck论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Helene L Cardasis论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Michael P Cusack论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Nathan G Dodder论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Bradford W Gibson论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Jason M Held论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Tara Hiltke论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Angela Jackson论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Eric B Johansen论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Christopher R Kinsinger论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Jing Li论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Mehdi Mesri论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Thomas A Neubert论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Richard K Niles论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Trenton C Pulsipher论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0David Ransohoff论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Henry Rodriguez论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Paul A Rudnick论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Derek Smith论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0David L Tabb论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Tony J Tegeler论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Asokan M Variyath论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Lorenzo J Vega-Montoto论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Åsa Wahlander论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Sofia Waldemarson论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Mu Wang论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Jeffrey R Whiteaker论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Lei Zhao论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0N Leigh Anderson论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Susan J Fisher论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Daniel C Liebler论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Amanda G Paulovich论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Fred E Regnier论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Paul Tempst论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0Steven A Carr论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0
- [4] Variance Component Analysis of a Multi-Site Study for the Reproducibility of Multiple Reaction Monitoring Measurements of Peptides in Human Plasma[J]. PLOS ONE, 2011, 6 (01):Xia, Jessie Q.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Natl Inst Stat Sci, Res Triangle Pk, NC USA Duke Univ, Dept Stat, Durham, NC USA Natl Inst Stat Sci, Res Triangle Pk, NC USASedransk, Nell论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Natl Inst Stat Sci, Res Triangle Pk, NC USA Natl Inst Stat Sci, Res Triangle Pk, NC USAFeng, Xingdong论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Natl Inst Stat Sci, Res Triangle Pk, NC USA Duke Univ, Dept Stat, Durham, NC USA Natl Inst Stat Sci, Res Triangle Pk, NC USA
- [5] Multiple Reaction Monitoring-based, Multiplexed, Absolute Quantitation of 45 Proteins in Human Plasma[J]. MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS, 2009, 8 (08) : 1860 - 1877Kuzyk, Michael A.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Victoria, Genome British Columbia Prote Ctr, Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8, Canada Univ Victoria, Genome British Columbia Prote Ctr, Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8, CanadaSmith, Derek论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Victoria, Genome British Columbia Prote Ctr, Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8, Canada Univ Victoria, Genome British Columbia Prote Ctr, Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8, CanadaYang, Juncong论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Victoria, Genome British Columbia Prote Ctr, Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8, Canada Univ Victoria, Genome British Columbia Prote Ctr, Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8, CanadaCross, Tyra J.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Victoria, Genome British Columbia Prote Ctr, Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8, Canada Univ Victoria, Genome British Columbia Prote Ctr, Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8, CanadaJackson, Angela M.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Victoria, Genome British Columbia Prote Ctr, Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8, Canada Univ Victoria, Genome British Columbia Prote Ctr, Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8, CanadaHardie, Darryl B.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Victoria, Genome British Columbia Prote Ctr, Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8, Canada Univ Victoria, Genome British Columbia Prote Ctr, Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8, CanadaAnderson, N. Leigh论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Plasma Proteome Inst, Washington, DC 20009 USA Univ Victoria, Genome British Columbia Prote Ctr, Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8, CanadaBorchers, Christoph H.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Victoria, Genome British Columbia Prote Ctr, Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8, Canada Univ Victoria, Dept Biochem & Microbiol, Victoria, BC V8W 3P6, Canada Univ Victoria, Genome British Columbia Prote Ctr, Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8, Canada
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- [7] Assessment of reproducibility and uncertainty of food microbiology methods: statistical approach of a multi-site laboratory[J]. ACCREDITATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE, 2013, 18 (02) : 143 - 148Blasi, Giuliana论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, Italy Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, ItalyPetruzzelli, Annalisa论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, Italy Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, ItalyOttaviani, Donatella论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, Italy Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, ItalyFisichella, Stefano论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, Italy Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, ItalyDi Raimo, Enrico论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, Italy Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, ItalyValiani, Andrea论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, Italy Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, ItalyCapuccella, Marinella论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, Italy Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, ItalyScuota, Stefania论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, Italy Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, ItalyHaouet, M. Naceur论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, Italy Ist Zooprofilatt Sperimentale Umbria & Marche, I-06126 Perugia, Italy
- [8] Assessment of reproducibility and uncertainty of food microbiology methods: statistical approach of a multi-site laboratory[J]. Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 2013, 18 : 143 - 148Giuliana Blasi论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche,Annalisa Petruzzelli论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche,Donatella Ottaviani论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche,Stefano Fisichella论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche,Enrico Di Raimo论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche,Andrea Valiani论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche,Marinella Capuccella论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche,Stefania Scuota论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche,M. Naceur Haouet论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche,
- [9] A multi-site assessment of cerebrospinal fluid-based molecular diagnostic test for Multiple Sclerosis[J]. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL, 2023, 29 : 309 - 309Ghezzi, Laura论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Milan, Dept Biomed Surg & Dent Sci, Milan, Italy Univ Milan, Dept Biomed Surg & Dent Sci, Milan, ItalyKosa, Peter论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Natl Inst Allergy & Infect Dis, Bethesda, MD USA Univ Milan, Dept Biomed Surg & Dent Sci, Milan, ItalyFreedman, Carol论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Ottawa, Dept Med, Ottawa, ON, Canada Univ Milan, Dept Biomed Surg & Dent Sci, Milan, ItalyCross, Anne论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Washington Univ, Sch Med, St Louis, MO USA Univ Milan, Dept Biomed Surg & Dent Sci, Milan, ItalyAlvarez, Enrique论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Colorado, Sch Med, Aurora, CO USA Univ Milan, Dept Biomed Surg & Dent Sci, Milan, ItalyFreedman, Mark论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada Univ Milan, Dept Biomed Surg & Dent Sci, Milan, ItalyGreenwood, Mark论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Montana, Dept Math Sci, Missoula, MT USA Univ Milan, Dept Biomed Surg & Dent Sci, Milan, ItalyPiccio, Laura论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Washington Univ, Sch Med, St Louis, MO USA Brain & Mind Ctr, Camperdown, NSW, Australia Univ Milan, Dept Biomed Surg & Dent Sci, Milan, ItalyBielekova, Bibiana论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Natl Inst Allergy & Infect Dis, Bethesda, MD USA Univ Milan, Dept Biomed Surg & Dent Sci, Milan, Italy
- [10] A Multi-Site Assessment of Cerebrospinal Fluid-based Molecular Diagnostic Test of Multiple Sclerosis[J]. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL, 2023, 29 : 18 - 19Ghezzi, L.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Washington Univ St Louis, Neurol, St Louis, MO USA Washington Univ St Louis, Neurol, St Louis, MO USAKosa, P.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Lab Clin Immunol & Microbiol, Neuroimmunol Dis Sect, Bethesda, MD USA Washington Univ St Louis, Neurol, St Louis, MO USAFreedman, C.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada Washington Univ St Louis, Neurol, St Louis, MO USACross, A. H.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Washington Univ St Louis, St Louis, MO USA Washington Univ St Louis, Neurol, St Louis, MO USAAlvarez, E.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Colorado, Sch Med, Aurora, CO USA Washington Univ St Louis, Neurol, St Louis, MO USAFreedman, M. S.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Ottawa, Dept Med, Ottawa, ON, Canada Ottawa Hosp Res Inst, Ottawa, ON, Canada Washington Univ St Louis, Neurol, St Louis, MO USAGreenwood, M.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Montana State Univ, Dept Math Sci, Bozeman, MT USA Washington Univ St Louis, Neurol, St Louis, MO USAPiccio, L.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Univ Sydney, Brain & Mind Ctr, Mosman, Australia Washington Univ St Louis, Neurol, St Louis, MO USABielekova, B.论文数: 0 引用数: 0 h-index: 0机构: Lab Clin Immunol & Microbiol, Neuroimmunol Dis Sect, Bethesda, MD USA Washington Univ St Louis, Neurol, St Louis, MO USA