Stichopus chloronotus (Brandt, 1835) is one among nine aspidochirotide holothurian species known to reproduce both sexually by broadcast spawning and asexually by transverse fission. New data on the sexual cycle of this species in La Reunion are presented here and information. available on sexual and asexual reproduction in this species is summarised. Sexual reproduction on La Reunion shows a distinct seasonality with a main spawning period in the warm season (November-February). The spawning period the Great Barrier Reef appears to be at the same time. Some intriguing deviations from unity in sex-ratio, usually biased towards more male individuals, have been observed in both geographic regions (sex ratio at La Reunion 3 1: 1). New data on the asexual reproduction of this species in La Reunion confirm the high rates of fission. The peak of asexual reproduction in both the Indian and Pacific Ocean was observed in winter (June-July). Thus, asexual reproduction in this species occurs outside the season for sexual reproduction. The rate of asexual reproduction appears to vary between sample locations. However, results of population genetic studies on S. chloronotus (Uthicke et al., 1999; Uthicke et al., 2001) indicated that in most populations investigated a maximum of about 60% of all individuals may be derived from sexual recruitment. Cluster analyses on genetic distances between populations grouped populations within Oceans together, with the exception of one sample from a nearshore reef of the GBR. Although genetic differences between the two regions exist, these are relatively small regarding the large geographic distance. We conclude that asexual reproduction in S, chloronotus is important to maintain local population sizes, but that larval exchange between populations mediated by sexual reproduction is important for colonisation of new areas and to provide connectivity between populations. Here, we present the first synthesis of these phenomena for a holothurian species.