Background: At the moment there are various possible therapy forms for ear noises, for example medicamentous, acoustical, electrical, surgical, radiological, behaviour-medical and ,,alternative" strategies, though a reliable curative therapy is not known up to now. However by combination of several therapy forms an improvement of the tinnitus aurium is possible. Method: Most participants of this study first received an infusion therapy for 5 to 15 days which improved the blood circulation. In case of an insufficient improvement of the patient's discomfort, participation in the psychological support at the Tinnitus-Therapy-Centre was recommended. Both a psychological immunization (Psychologisches Immunisierungstraining (R)) and the auditive stimulation therapy (R) were part of the measures of intervention. The patients acquired methods of relaxing and easing, like Progressive Muscle Relaxation according to Jacobson, cognitive restructuring methods as well as attention-steering techniques. Beyond that the healing process was strengthened with relaxing music. Patients: In retrospective view in a period of nearly 6 years over 500 patients were asked about their discomfort by the Tinnitus questionnaire (TQ) by Goebel and Hiller at the beginning and at the end of their group therapy. Results: The evaluation shows an improvement of the score at 93,2% of all treated patients, whereby with 6,8% of the participant a stagnation and/or adegradation of the scores could be detected in the TQ. On average the value after the treatment improved at around 16 points. Conclusion: In comparison with the stationary treatment this therapy represents ameaningful treatment alternative, which is accepted by health insurance companies.