A traffic accident is an unexpected and unintentional event on a road involving vehicles with or without other road users resulting in human casualties and/or property losses. Traffic accidents generally occur due to various factors such as the user's inadvertent actions, violations, road conditions, vehicle conditions, weather, and obstructed views. Medan City has a high accident rate of 5,686 cases caused by driver factors. The problem under study is the alleged relationship between risk perception and driving behavior. The purpose of this study is to look at the relationship between driving behavior and risk perception that can cause traffic accidents. Data collected using the instrument in the form of a driving behavior questionnaire and risk perception questionnaire. The analysis is done by statistical analysis through SPSS software to test the validity and reliability of the data, radar map analysis to see the attributes of driving behavior with the highest mode, the analysis of the correlation of driving behavior and risk perception with the SPSS software as a whole, and to analyze the Structural Equation Model path (SEM) to see the partial relationship between variable attributes in a multivariate manner. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant relationship between 3 (three) driving behaviors that are using a cell phone, violating traffic rules, and overtaking other vehicles to the driver's risk perception so that it has the potential to cause a traffic accident and it can be concluded that the hypothesis the researcher accepted (H-0).